Monday 22 February 2016

How Be More Stylish Than Your Friends | 5 Tips to Elevate Your Style Instantly

Tips to Elevate Your Style

  1. Have your clothes tailored - clothing fit is the most important aspect to personal style. Spend a bit of money to be a 'tailored dream'. Tailor strategic components to your going-out gear so you will look like the boss with everything fitted!

  2. Be brave & bold with your palette prowess - step outside of your comfort zone and pick some daring colors and incredible patterns. This is going to make you stand out and gain compliments.

  3. Step up and in to more stylish shoes - every stylish outfit starts with the shoes. Good shoes will change your life! By elevating your shoe style, you can take an outfit from average to extraordinary.

  4. Accessorize - the devil is in the dynamite details such as cool watch or ring, coordinated belt, light-weight jacket, or a hat. Accessories will take your look to the next level, and it's an easy and simple thing to do. You will outshine your amigos!

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